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“I am constantly overwhelmed at school.”

Speak up for DLD and help raise awareness of the 2 in 30 children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

October 12, 2024

Despite the fact that 2 in 30 children in the UK have Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), most people have never heard of it, and even fewer understand its profound impact on a child’s life. 

Children and young people with DLD struggle with talking and understanding words, creating challenges that go far beyond the classroom. It shapes how they form friendships, affects their mental health, and how they learn, and so much more. Since language is such a central life skill, their whole lives are affected. 

Siouxsie, a young person with DLD, shared with us what it was like for her at school:  

“All day I am pretending that everything is fine (masking) – but I am not. I am good and quiet and nod – but inside, I am screaming !!! I am constantly overwhelmed at school.” 

For any child, school can feel overwhelming at times. But for children with DLD, this feeling is magnified. Instructions which might be simple for others can feel confusing, and they might find it difficult to communicate this to their teacher leaving them feeling frustrated and alone. 

Siouxsie went on to explain that:  

“Teachers find it hard to understand how to provide support for me. I feel like teachers do not understand me and therefore do not know how to help me.” 

Be part of the solution 

This DLD Awareness Day (Friday 18 October), we’re on a mission to change this and to help raise awareness of DLD in schools and beyond, so children and young people like Siouxsie can thrive.  

If you’re a teacher or work in a school, join our movement and Speak Up for DLD! 

We’ve created a range of resources to help you share information about the issue and how you can support children with DLD. From videos to presentations to social media, there are lots of ways to get involved.  

Don’t feel you have to wait until DLD Awareness Day. Start speaking up today and help make a difference for children across the UK. Let’s make sure no child is left behind! 

Learn more and access the resources here.