
There are 1.9 million children in the UK facing challenges with talking and understanding words. For a child struggling, the difference a donation can make can be life-changing.

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A monthly or yearly donation is an incredible way to show your commitment to the 1 in 5 children across the UK facing challenges with talking and understanding words.
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Make a one-off donation

Just £25 could help provide more teaching staff across the UK with training in one of our life-changing Talk Boost programmes.
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The image depicts a classroom setting with children and a teacher. In the foreground, one child is interacting with large yellow dice. Additionally, there’s an illustrated red triangle character present.

Donate today and help change young lives! For children who struggle to talk and understand words, their whole lives are affected. They are:

Six times more likely to be behind in English at age 11

Eleven times more likely to be behind in maths at age 11

Twice as likely to be unemployed as an adult

Gift aid

Adding Gift Aid to your donation means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you!

Gift aid

Where does your donation go?

91p of every £1 donation directly helps children struggling with talking and understanding words.

Where does your donation go?