The Bill Harrison Assessment Centre in Surrey 

By using a range of assessment tools across multi professional disciplines, we can give a holistic and independent view of each child or young person’s needs.  

Our Surrey Speech and Language UK Assessment Centre is currently offering the following independent assessments: 

This is a half day comprehensive assessment carried out by a Specialist SLT. The SLT would carry out formal standardised and informal assessment of a child or young person’s understanding and use of language including receptive, expressive language, speech and social interaction/pragmatics skills.

This is a half day comprehensive assessment carried out by a Specialist Occupational Therapist (OT). The OT would carry out formal standardised and informal assessments of the child or young person’s physical and sensory development including fine and gross motor skills, coordination difficulties, visual perceptual skills and sensory processing needs.  

These assessments are carried out collaboratively, with any combination of the above professionals, and can also include a Specialist Teacher. 

The assessment team will carry out holistic and comprehensive assessment to identify barriers to learning including (as appropriate) communication and interaction, numeracy and literacy needs, approach to learning, social and emotional needs and physical and sensory needs. Children usually attend the centre for two half days. 

After the assessment 

We give verbal feedback (usually on the same day as the assessment) following the assessment and provide a detailed report and recommendations based on the child or young person’s strengths, areas of need and barriers to learning within three to four weeks.  

Our reports can, and often are, submitted for EHCP applications, appeals and SEND Tribunals. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer witness attendance at tribunal hearings in person. 

Assessments for admissions at Meath School  

These are two day assessments carried out by the assessment team prior to an offer of placement at Meath School. For all Meath School admissions enquiries please visit Meath’s website here. 

Surrey Assessment Centre Opening times: 

Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 4.30pm (term time only) 

Please note: It is often difficult to reach the centre via telephone due to active assessments. Please email for a more efficient response and to book a return call if required. 


Telephone: 01932 872302 

Other support

If your child is struggling with talking and understanding words, have a look at our other resources to help support their speech and language development.  

Use our progress checker to better understand your child’s challenges and needs and access the resources in our family resource library.