Providing evidence to SEND APPG: Addressing key issues in early identification and support for SEND
Speech and Language UK gave evidence at the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) in the Houses of Parliament on 21st January. The APPG are currently writing a report on the importance of early intervention for children with special educational needs and disabilities. We know early identification of speech and language challenges is crucial for the development and well-being of children.
We explained to MPs who attended the meeting that a significant issue is the lack of training for teachers, early years staff, and the wider children’s workforce. Teachers have told us repeatedly, that they have not received sufficient training to support pupils’ speech and language development. Additionally, the shortage of Speech and Language Therapists means that early diagnosis and support are often delayed.
We told MPs that a whole system approach is needed. That includes specialist, targeted, and universal support. This approach would ensure that all families have access to evidence-based information, resources, and services to support speech, language and communication skills. You can’t solve the problems in the SEND system without massively increasing support for children struggling with talking and understanding words.