Rapid Motor Imitation Antecedent training (RMIA)

Motor Imitation Antecedent (RMIA) therapy uses the principles of behaviorism to help nonverbal children with autism acquire first words. It involves teaching children to imitate a series of simple movements (such as clap, tap foot, touch head, touch nose, touch mouth) very quickly.

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  • Rapid Motor Imitation Antecedent training (RMIA)

    Motor Imitation Antecedent (RMIA) therapy uses the principles of behaviorism to help nonverbal children with autism acquire first words. It involves teaching children to imitate a series of simple movements (such as clap, tap foot, touch head, touch nose, touch mouth) very quickly.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Psycholinguistic framework

    The Psycholinguistic Framework (Stackhouse & Wells, 1997) is a tool for speech and language therapists who are working with children who have unclear speech. It is a model to help therapists understand how a child is processing speech, which can then be used as a way of analysing how a child is saying particular words and sounds. This can be used as a basis for planning therapy.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Pre-school Autism Communication Therapy (PACT)

    Preschool Autism Communication Therapy (PACT) is an intervention programme designed to help the development of social communication and language skills of children aged 2-7 years who have autism, or a related social communication disorder. It can be used with non-verbal children as well as with children who are in the early stages of their language development.

  • Picture exchange communication system

    Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) was originally developed for children with autism to improve their communication skills (Bondy and Frost, 1994). It is specifically designed for the children to communicate with picture cards but with little or no spoken language and is a specific, manualised intervention.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Family-centred Practice

    The aim of FCP is to use increased parental involvement in their children’s speech and language therapy (SLT) to enhance SLT outcomes for children’s expressive and receptive language, as well as increase parental satisfaction with SLT.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Earobics

    Earobics (Cognitive Concepts, 1997; Diehl, 1999) is a comprehensive computerised intervention program for training phonological awareness and auditory–language processing.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Vocabulary intervention in science

    The intervention focuses on an intentional approach to vocabulary instruction

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Makaton

    Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people communicate. Designed over forty years ago, it is aimed at adults and children with learning difficulties although it has been used more widely for children learning to speak. The signs and symbols can be used either as a main method of communication or as a way to support verbal communication and the development of early language.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Visualising and verbalising

    Visualising and Verbalising (Bell, 1987) is a technique used to help understanding of language in language-impaired students. Visualising and Verbalising aims to improve mental imagery skills, which then help listening and reading comprehension.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate