Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI)

Nuffield Early Language Intervention (published by OUP) is an oral language intervention for children who, on school entry, have poor language skills. Training for Assistants delivering the programme was previously provided by Elklan, a specialist provider of speech and language training within education. Nuffield Early Language Intervention is available to schools throughout the UK. Randomized controlled trials have found the intervention effective.

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  • Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI)

    Nuffield Early Language Intervention (published by OUP) is an oral language intervention for children who, on school entry, have poor language skills. Training for Assistants delivering the programme was previously provided by Elklan, a specialist provider of speech and language training within education. Nuffield Early Language Intervention is available to schools throughout the UK. Randomized controlled trials have found the intervention effective.

    Evidence Rating: Strong

  • Read, Play, Learn (RPL) intervention

    The aim of the vocabulary intervention is to develop the depth of vocabulary knowledge of low SES children aged 4-5 years old.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Linking Language with Secondary School Learning (LINK-S)

    The program involves collaboration between speech and language therapists (SLTs) and mainstream secondary school classroom and learning support teachers. Teachers are coached by the SLT in the use of oral and written instructional language modification techniques.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Literate language intervention

    Literate Language Intervention targets the literate language skills of preschool children with identified low oral language skills. Intervention focusses on both sentence- and narrative-level understanding of literate language concepts, and is delivered in four 3-week units, 12 weeks in total, 4 days per week in school by trained interventionists with a variety of teaching experience. The intervention evaluation is based on a US sample of children.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Language Focused Curriculum (LFC)

    LFC aims to create linguistically responsive conversations between educators and pre-school children that simultaneously increase children’s exposure to key linguistic concepts

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Intensive interaction

    Intensive Interaction is based on the work of Nind and Hewett (2006) and is an approach to developing interaction and communication between people with complex communication needs and the people around them.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Instructional language modification

    Instructional language modification targets teachers’ oral and written language used in the classroom to improve the oral and written language of adolescents with Language Impairment. Intervention involves four modification techniques: teachers’ written language, teachers’ oral language, information processing and direct vocabulary instruction. Teachers are trained by a Speech Language Pathologist in these techniques over a 10-week period, one 50-minute session per week.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Contextual instruction, analytical instruction, and anchored ...

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • The Becky Shanks Narrative Intervention

    The Becky Shanks Narrative Intervention was developed by Becky Shanks (2001). It focuses on understanding and using story grammar to support children to tell verbal narratives and stories and is specifically designed for children with language difficulty.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative