EYSEND partnership
Our free training, which is part of our EYSEND partnership, is perfect for anyone who works with families of children in the early years.
Our training will help you give families the tools to support their child’s communication skills.
Who is this training for?
The training is suitable for Family Hub teams, family support workers, family engagement workers, parenting support teams, early help teams, play development workers, creche workers, adult and family learning teams, 0-19 health teams, social care, voluntary sector providers – if you provide support to families at your setting, this training is for you.
What will I learn?
Our EYSEND training will guide you through what typical speech and language development looks like, and give you the knowledge and confidence to help families encourage children to develop their skills.
Book your place on our EYSEND workshops
FREE training available!

A webinar on:
- the importance of speech, language and communication skills for learning and life
- typical development
- support strategies for all children
- quality interactions
- key messaging for families
Book your place here.
A webinar on:
- how to spot speech and language challenges
- speech and language challenges as an early indicator of SEND
- what to do
- using support strategies and universal approaches
- communication supportive environments
- supporting parents with talking strategies at home
Book your place here.
A webinar on:
- guidance about supporting children with more complex speech and language challenges
- supporting children with social communication challenges
- identification and support
- working with others
- supporting families
Book your place here.