My sentence builder
My Sentence Builder is a computer-assisted treatment (C-AT) programme for the remediation of expressive-grammar deficits in preschool children with expressive Specific language impairment (SLI) whose receptive language skills are within the normal range. My Sentence Builder features components for present progressive sentences, one of the earliest developmental sentence types acquired, which can be used to create grammatically correct sentences by a clinician–client dyad.
My sentence builder
My Sentence Builder is a computer-assisted treatment (C-AT) programme for the remediation of expressive-grammar deficits in preschool children with expressive Specific language impairment (SLI) whose receptive language skills are within the normal range. My Sentence Builder features components for present progressive sentences, one of the earliest developmental sentence types acquired, which can be used to create grammatically correct sentences by a clinician–client dyad.
Evidence Rating: Indicative
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Lidcombe Programme
The Lidcombe Programme is a behavioural treatment for young children who stutter. The program takes its name from the suburb of Sydney where the Australian Stuttering Research Centre at the University of Sydney is located.
Evidence Rating: Strong
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Core vocabulary
The Core Vocabulary approach (Crosbie, Holm & Dodd, 2005) is designed for use with children who have an inconsistent speech disorder (Dodd, 2005), i.e. many of their words are produced with inconsistent pronunciations but there are no signs of developmental verbal dyspraxia.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Multiple opposition therapy
Multiple opposition therapy (Williams, 2000, 2005) is an approach for speech and language therapists who are working with children who have unclear speech due to phonological impairment and is one of the variants of contrast therapies.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Lexicon pirate
Lexicon Pirate is an intensive short term therapy designed as an intervention method for children with different types of lexical deficits. The therapy method contains elements of self-management. It encourages children to learn actively by discovering lexical gaps.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Language Focused Curriculum (LFC)
LFC aims to create linguistically responsive conversations between educators and pre-school children that simultaneously increase children’s exposure to key linguistic concepts
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Heidelberg Parent-Based Language Intervention (HPLI)
HPLI is a short, highly-structured parent-based language intervention programme for 2-year-old children with specific expressive language delay (SELD, without deficits in receptive language). The programme was developed for use with a group of 5–10 parents. The 3-month programme consisted of seven 2 h and one 3 h session 6 months later.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Active listening for active learning
The aim of comprehension monitoring is to teach children to recognise what they do and don’t understand and give them some strategies to respond when they don’t understand what’s being said. Many children with speech, language and communication needs struggle with this skill and need direct teaching in order to develop it.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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