Children learning more than one language

In the UK around 20% of children speak or understand more than one language. You might hear the terms ‘bilingual’ or ‘English as an additional language’ used to talk about these children.
In the past, some professionals told families to only speak English at home. Now we know that this was not helpful advice. We have strong evidence from across the world that speaking more than one language is good for children for many reasons.
No. Around half the world’s population speak two or more languages! Lots of studies show that children can tell the difference between different languages early on. They might do something called ‘code-switching’ which is when they replace a word in one language with a word from another language – so they use two languages in one sentence. It’s nothing to worry about and is a normal part of bilingualism – even bilingual adults do it!
No. In fact, many bilingual children do better academically than children who hear and speak one language. A strong foundation in one language helps children to learn other languages, including English, better – this is helps them to do well at school.
No. Bilingualism does not cause or contribute to speech and language challenges. However, some bilingual children will have speech and language challenges, just as children who speak only one language do. The difference is that a bilingual child with speech and language challenges will have difficulties in BOTH or ALL of their languages – not just in English.
No. Every language is important. Of course, developing English is important for children going to English-speaking schools. But research shows that when a child knows their home language, this helps their academic achievement, self-confidence, and family relationships. Later in life, it can improve their job opportunities. Importantly, it helps your child understand their culture and identity better.
- Talk to your child in the language that feels the most comfortable to you. If your child learns one language well from you, it will be easier for them to learn English well too.
- The more your child hears your home languages, the more they will learn your languages. Get other family members involved too.
- Share your feelings, stories, and songs in your languages. Be proud of your languages and share them like a gift!
Further information:

Read our blog post clearing up some myths and presenting the facts around bilingualism.