Our response to planned changes to SEND education in England
Responding to a plan by Government to make major changes to SEND in England, Jane Harris, CEO of Speech and Language UK, said: “The government’s proposal to overhaul the disastrously underfunded SEND system further threatens to wreck young lives. Pushing forward with a White Paper that blatantly ignores the voices of young people, families and SEND charities. We know the formula for success: a skilled workforce, genuinely inclusive schools, and cohesive support spanning education, health and local councils.
Addressing the SEND crisis demands tackling the soaring number of children grappling with speech and language challenges—the most prevalent special educational need in our primary schools.
Worse still, the ripple effects of inadequate SEND policies extend far into their futures; two-thirds of young offenders have speech and language challenges, and these individuals are twice as likely to face unemployment. Cutting funds now is not just short-sighted - it’s a direct assault on our growth and societal health.
The government must urgently reverse its course and heed the expertise of children, families and SEND professionals. Our children and teachers deserve robust support from the start—not the scraps of underfunded reforms aimed at stripping away children’s rights under the guise of improvement.”
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