
#SwapACoffee this week and help save young futures

July 22, 2024

Speech, language and communication skills are a crucial part of all our lives. It’s how we make friends, how we learn, how we express ourselves. 

But what if you struggle with talking and understanding words? How would your life be different? This is the reality for 1.9 million children in the UK. 

This week we’re challenging YOU to swap your morning brew and instead gift £3 to help children struggling to talk and understand words.  

Swap one day or set yourself a real challenge and give up your coffees for the whole week! 

For just the price of your morning coffee, latte or double caramel frappuccino, you could make a real difference to a young person’s future. ☕🔁💚

Children with speech and language challenges are twice as likely to be unemployed because they are not receiving the help they need right now. But that’s not all. 

  • 60% of young offenders have language difficulties. 
  • 81% of children with mental health difficulties have speech and language challenges. 

This needs to change and that will only happen by working together! 

Here at Speech and Language UK, we help families to support their child from an early age, create training tools for teachers and provide support from speech and language therapists that children otherwise might not receive, including our advice line

It costs £1,277.03 to keep our advice line operational for a whole week. Our advice line is often at full capacity, so it’s urgent that we can provide more appointments. If everyone gave just £3, we could cover this cost and more, ensuring that all families have the vital support they need and know they’re not alone. 

One coffee vs one week of crucial support. It’s an easy choice when you think about it! 

Not a coffee lover? AmericaNO excuses, swap your bubble tea or hot choccie instead. Join us on social media, tag your friends and colleagues to join the challenge and let us know what you’re swapping this week! 

Swap your coffee this week, save a young future.