Educators and professionals

We design innovative tools and training for thousands of nursery staff and teachers. Let us help you, help your students.

Educators and professionals

Tools and training

Whether you’re working with early years, primary or secondary students, we can help you support children who struggle with talking and understanding words. Have a look at our training, programmes and resources below.

Register to take part in our Early Talk Boost research project!

We're offering a fantastic opportunity for your setting to receive our life-changing Early Talk Boost programme for free by taking part in our research project.
Learn more and register!
The image depicts a classroom setting with children and a teacher. In the foreground, one child is interacting with large yellow dice. Additionally, there’s an illustrated red triangle character present.

Children's progress checker

Our progress checker is based on what we know about how babies and children develop skills. Choose the age of the child and then answer the questions. At the end, we will direct you to some helpful advice and resources.

Children's progress checker

Share your experience

Are you a teacher working with children struggling to talk and understand words? Maybe you're a Speech and Language Therapist that has transformed a child's life through support? Share your experience with us and help us raise awareness of speech and language challenges far and wide.
I want to share my experience
A smiling female educator with a group of children, playing with colourful toys. The teacher is white with short brown hair and wears a yellow knitted jumper.