Our policy campaigns

Learn about how we are influencing change to help the 1.9 million children struggling with talking and understanding words through our policy campaigns

Influencing government policy

We are dedicated to informing politicians and other decision-makers about the difficulties faced by children we support. We urge all political parties to understand what needs to change to ensure all children receive the support they deserve. Also, we highlight gaps in existing policies, to influence policy decisions and drive real change. 

Early years and childcare

Early years and childcare need to be seen as a fundamental part of a child’s development. Not just a safe place for children to go while parents return to work. 

We are urging the Government and members of Parliament to: 

  1. Ensure parents are properly supported and empowered
  2. Equip early years workers with the tools and training they need to help children facing challenges with talking and understanding words. 

Learn more here. 

Solving the Crisis in the SEND system 

You can’t solve the problems in the SEND system without massively increasing support for children with speech and language challenges. If the government is serious about making mainstream schools more inclusive for children with speech and language challenges, they will need:  

  • Early Intervention: The government should focus on early identification and intervention for children with speech and language challenges to prevent further impacts on their learning and well-being. 
  • Training and Support for Teachers: There needs to be comprehensive training for teachers and school staff to better support children with speech and language challenges. This includes ongoing professional development and access to specialist advice. 
  • Inclusive Policies and Practices: Government policies should enable inclusion, ensuring that children with speech and language challenges can learn, make friends, and be part of their community. This includes discontinuing practices that damage children’s speech and language development, like rules prohibiting children from asking questions in classes. 
  • Specialist Support and Resources: Children with complex speech and language challenges should have access to multi-disciplinary assessments and specialist support, including speech and language therapists and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems. 
  • Family Support and Information: Families should receive information and support to help their children with speech and language challenges. This includes providing resources and guidance to families, particularly in areas of deprivation. 

You can read our submission the Education Committee inquiry into the SEND system here. 

A more inclusive curriculum 

We want there to be a more inclusive and supportive education system for all children. From our own research, 50% of teachers feel that speech and language isn’t prioritised. We believe the Government should focus on: 

  1. Include communication skills in all subjects: It’s important to teach children how to learn to talk and understand each other in every subject, not just in language classes. If communication skills are included in all subjects, then children will get better at communicating while they learn other things too. 
  2. Simplify the curriculum: The curriculum should be a bit less packed. By cutting down on the amount of stuff children have to learn, there’s more time to focus on important communication skills that will help them in school and later in life. 
  3. Make the curriculum inclusive: The curriculum should work for all children, including those who use things like signing or technology to communicate. Everyone should be able to learn and participate, no matter how they communicate. 
  4. Better assessments for communication skills: We need better assessments to check how children are progressing with their speech, language and communication skills. These assessments should be part of the regular tests to help track their progress and make sure they’re ready for the future.