Our response to

Our response to Bridget Phillipson MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education’s speech

January 9, 2024

Speech and Language UK respond to Bridget Phillipson MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Education’s speech on Tuesday 9th January 2024, which sets out Labour’s vision for tackling the key problem of absence in schools.   

We welcome Labour’s proposal for tackling persistent absence announced today by Shadow Education Secretary, Bridgette Phillipson. We were particularly pleased to see the inclusion of a measure to give every school funding to deliver evidence-based early language programmes.  

We know from parents that we have surveyed, that almost a quarter of children with speech and language challenges had refused to go to school in the previous two years. Children struggling with talking and understanding words are more likely to struggle with mental health and lower academic achievement, as they find it difficult to engage with lessons and socialising with other children. 

The fact that Labour have acknowledged the link between children struggling with talking and understanding words and persistent absence is to be commended. A choice of a wide range of early language programmes that have been proven effective should be part of any strategy that looks to tackle persistent absence, but there is much more that can be done. We believe that any future government should also: 

  • Introduce a new free tool for schools, like those available to track literacy and numeracy, that can be used at the start of KS1 and KS2 by class teachers to measure and track children’s talking and understanding of words so that they can spot when children are struggling in these areas. Currently schools must pay commercial rates to do this.  
  • Train all teachers and early years staff to identify a child struggling with their talking and understanding of words and know how to help as well as where to refer them for support and possible diagnosis. 
  • Empower parents by making sure there is advice and support for early language in place right from the start of every new parent’s journey, just as it is for diet or vaccinations.