Our response to

Our response to IFS report on the impact of lockdowns on children’s skills

August 1, 2023

Our response to Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) report on the impact of Covid lockdowns on children’s social and emotional skills

A new IFS report out today which highlights how the unstable employment market had an impact on children’s social and emotional skills in the first year of lock-down comes as no surprise. One of the root causes is undoubtedly the huge number of children developing speech and language challenges during lockdowns. The current Government has never properly recognised the link between speech and language challenges and children’s wellbeing and education.  

We can change this with evidence-based programmes in every school to help children to overcome their challenges. We are calling on the Government to  wake up to the fact that we have inadequate support in place for children who are behind with talking and understanding words. Otherwise, these children will pay the price in years to come with worse mental health, worse educational results and worse employment.  

 Jane Harris, Speech and Language UK Chief Executive