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Speech and Language UK win big at Third Sector Awards

September 22, 2023

Speech and Language UK are pleased to announce that they have won the Brand Development Award for their recent rebrand at the Third Sector Awards.

The charity is also celebrating that its Chief Executive, Jane Harris, was also Highly Commended at the Third Sector Awards in theRising Chief Executivecategory.  

As part of its award-winning rebrand process, Speech and Language UK engaged with brand and creative agency, Studio Texture, to deliver on a revised brand positioning plus look and feel. To achieve this, the charity conducted research with families, children and young people that the charity supports to understand how the brand needed to work now and in the future. 

Speech and Language UK’s rebrand in October 2022, also saw the launch of a refreshed website, with updated support and information for families and young people, educators and professionals. 

 Upon receiving the rebrand award, Jane Harris, Speech and Language UK Chief Executive said: 

“We’re thrilled to have won the Third Sector Award for our rebrand! It was important that Speech and Language UK renamed* and rebranded as part of our wider ambition to reach more of the 1.9 million** children who have speech and language challenges.  

Our new name and rebrand means that families, young people and education professionals can find us when they need us.  Recognition like these two Third Sector Awards helps to raise awareness of what we do and why we do it. Thank you to everyone involved for your support.”  


Notes to editors

For media enquiries contact Simon Walsh, Speech and Language UK’s Press Manager on 07824 446989.     

*formerly I CAN, the children’s communication charity 

** a recent report by Speech and Language UK – Listening to unheard children – found that 1.9 million children throughout the UK are behind with talking and understanding words.