
Talk Boost KS1 success in Ireland

May 14, 2024

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has conducted a case study focusing on the use of Talk Boost KS1 in a Junior Primary School in Ireland. St Bernadette’s Junior National School (JNS) is one of 75 schools participating in the NCSE In-School Therapy Project. As part of the project, St Bernadette’s JNS was supported in the delivery of Talk Boost KS1 by a senior Speech and Language Therapist.

A total of 25 children in Senior Infant classes participated in the 10-week programme in small groups. The groups were spread out over a 10-month period.

The NCSE identified Storytelling and Narrative as a specific area of development in children after the programme. 50% of children were working towards expected levels in this area after the programme, compared to 0% before. Teachers reported that children were telling stories with more complex sentences and better structure after going through the Talk Boost KS1 programme.

Talk Boost KS1 can be successfully delivered within the Irish educational setting; achieving positive student outcomes in line with findings from Speech and Language UK’s initial research.

With thanks to Laoise Gilleece and the National Council for Special Education

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