Maximal oppositions

Maximal opposition therapy is an approach for speech and language therapists who are working with children who have unclear speech due to phonological impairment. The approach is based on the therapist’s analysis what children know about the adult speech system and what they need to learn to make their own speech clearer. This analysis helps therapists decide what elements of speech to target, so as to get the best results (Gierut, 1992; Gierut, 2001; Gierut, Elbert & Dinnsen, 1987).

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  • Maximal oppositions

    Maximal opposition therapy is an approach for speech and language therapists who are working with children who have unclear speech due to phonological impairment. The approach is based on the therapist’s analysis what children know about the adult speech system and what they need to learn to make their own speech clearer. This analysis helps therapists decide what elements of speech to target, so as to get the best results (Gierut, 1992; Gierut, 2001; Gierut, Elbert & Dinnsen, 1987).

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Visual approaches to support speech and language

    The underpinning reasoning for this approach is that children who have language learning difficulties often show strengths in their visual skills (Archibold & Gathercole, 2006). The approach covers a wide range of ways of supporting children’s language learning through the use of additional visual clues.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Meaningful Minimal Contrast Therapy (MMCT)

    Meaningful minimal contrast therapy (MMCT) is an approach for speech and language therapists who are working with children who have unclear speech due to phonological impairment and is one of a number of contrast therapies which have evolved over the last two decades. The common aim of all these therapies is improved speech production in children with unclear speech due to speech sound difficulties (phonological impairment).

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Metaphon

    Metaphon is an approach for speech and language therapists who are working with children who have unclear speech due to phonological impairment. Metaphon (Dean, Howell, Hill & Waters, 1990; Dean, Howell, Waters & Reid, 1995) is a cognitive-linguistic treatment that aims to increase metalinguistic awareness as a means of improving phonological change and speech sound production (Gierut, 1998).

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Palin parent-child interaction therapy

    Palin Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) therapy is an approach for managing stammering in children aged 7 years and under, developed at the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children (MPC). It is aimed at helping parents identify and develop interaction styles within the family setting which promote their child’s natural fluency.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Speech improvement classes / motor learning treatment

    Speech improvement classes involve motor learning treatment delivered by Speech-Language Pathologists for primary school children with speech-sound difficulties. Children receive 20 hours of treatment in speech improvement classes, 30-minute sessions twice per week, for 20 weeks of treatment. Treatment involves two phases: establishment and randomized-variable practice

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • PhonoSens

    PhonoSens is a treatment programme for speech sound disorders in preschool-early primary school aged children which focuses on integrating phonological and phonetic processing according to the Integrated Psycholinguistic Model of Speech Processing (IPMSP, Terband et al 2019). In PhonoSens, therapy is divided approximately in half between perceptual and production training. The programme involves 6 hierarchical steps and is delivered over 15 weekly sessions of 45 min each.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT)

    Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT) intervention is designed for children aged between 3 and 10 years with severe speech motor delay. Intervention focuses on improving the accuracy and stability of speech production over the course of 10 weeks.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI)

    Nuffield Early Language Intervention (published by OUP) is an oral language intervention for children who, on school entry, have poor language skills. Training for Assistants delivering the programme was previously provided by Elklan, a specialist provider of speech and language training within education. Nuffield Early Language Intervention is available to schools throughout the UK. Randomized controlled trials have found the intervention effective.

    Evidence Rating: Strong