World Of Words
The World of Words (WOW) is a multimedia intervention designed to support vocabulary and conceptual development of low-income preschool children (3-4 years).
World Of Words
The World of Words (WOW) is a multimedia intervention designed to support vocabulary and conceptual development of low-income preschool children (3-4 years).
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Pointing to Success (Parent-focussed gesture intervention)
This parent intervention aims to use gesture intervention with a growth mindset component to increase parents' use of the pointing gesture, infants' use of pointing, and child vocabulary growth. It’s target age group is children aged 10 months.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Strathclyde Language Intervention Programme
The Strathclyde Language Intervention Programme was devised by Mccartney and colleagues to promote the language development of children with specific language impairments. Emphasis is on both understanding and expression of language in primary school and is delivered speech and language therapy assistants under the guidance of a speech and language therapist.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Pragmatic language intervention for children with autism
This pragmatic language intervention is a play-based intervention for children with autism. Children, paired with a typically developing peer, take part in 10 weekly clinic-based play sessions with play modelled by a therapist, video feedback and therapist-parent discussion. Parents are also trained in intervention to provide 10 manualised practice components at home, 1 component per week, focusing on social communication and play skills that are challenging for children with social difficulties
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Fluency intervention for children with SLI
Fluency intervention for SLI targets phonetic and semantic fluency to improve fluency skills of primary school children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Intervention is delivered over 36 weeks by speech therapy professionals, totalling 72 x 15-minute sessions, twice per week. 34 children with SLI took part, and 34 control children, aged 5-11 years.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Colourful semantics
Colourful Semantics uses coloured visual prompt cards to ‘show’ the structure of a sentence so that the structure of a sentence (syntax) is linked with its meaning (semantics). It was originally developed for use with children with severe specific language impairment by Bryan (1997) and relatively recently adapted for use in mainstream school settings.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Talk Boost Key Stage 1
Talk Boost is a targeted intervention developed by The Communication Trust and Speech and Language UK, and supported by the Every Child a Chance Trust. It is aimed at children with delayed language development between 4 and 7 years. This targeted intervention aims to support children who have language delay to close the gap/catch up with their peers.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Story grammar intervention
This intervention program is intended for young school-age children who demonstrate poor oral narrative comprehension skills, as indicated by their performance on a story comprehension task. The program aims: 1) to increase knowledge of text structure in fictional stories; and 2) to apply this knowledge to re/telling fictional stories. The program is designed to be implemented by a speech-language therapist (SLT) in 2 one-hour sessions per week, over a 6-week period.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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Talk Boost Key Stage 2
Talk Boost KS2 (TBKS2) is a targeted intervention for 7-10 year olds who have ‘low-average oral language’. It aims to help them to narrow the gap between their language skills and those of their peers. It consists of a combination of small group sessions with additional whole class activities, and also home-based tasks. TBKS2 covers the areas of language and communication which are key skills for children during Key Stage 2 to support them to access the academic and social curriculum.
Evidence Rating: Moderate
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