Supporting knowledge in language and literacy

Supporting Knowledge in Language and Literacy is a narrative and vocabulary instruction program for children with language disorders provided by a speech-language pathologist (SLP) in a regular primary school classroom setting.

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  • Supporting knowledge in language and literacy

    Supporting Knowledge in Language and Literacy is a narrative and vocabulary instruction program for children with language disorders provided by a speech-language pathologist (SLP) in a regular primary school classroom setting.

    Evidence Rating: Indicative

  • Fast ForWord

    Fast ForWord (SLC, 2002) is a computerised intervention programme developed by the Scientific Learning Corporation. Fast ForWord aims to improve children’s reading and oral language skills. There are quite well-documented evidence-based studies and systematic reviews on Fast ForWord. However, its efficacy has received little positive support.

    Evidence Rating: Strong

  • Strathclyde Language Intervention Programme

    The Strathclyde Language Intervention Programme was devised by Mccartney and colleagues to promote the language development of children with specific language impairments. Emphasis is on both understanding and expression of language in primary school and is delivered speech and language therapy assistants under the guidance of a speech and language therapist.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Pragmatic language intervention for children with autism

    This pragmatic language intervention is a play-based intervention for children with autism. Children, paired with a typically developing peer, take part in 10 weekly clinic-based play sessions with play modelled by a therapist, video feedback and therapist-parent discussion. Parents are also trained in intervention to provide 10 manualised practice components at home, 1 component per week, focusing on social communication and play skills that are challenging for children with social difficulties

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Fluency intervention for children with SLI

    Fluency intervention for SLI targets phonetic and semantic fluency to improve fluency skills of primary school children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Intervention is delivered over 36 weeks by speech therapy professionals, totalling 72 x 15-minute sessions, twice per week. 34 children with SLI took part, and 34 control children, aged 5-11 years.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Colourful semantics

    Colourful Semantics uses coloured visual prompt cards to ‘show’ the structure of a sentence so that the structure of a sentence (syntax) is linked with its meaning (semantics). It was originally developed for use with children with severe specific language impairment by Bryan (1997) and relatively recently adapted for use in mainstream school settings.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Story grammar intervention

    This intervention program is intended for young school-age children who demonstrate poor oral narrative comprehension skills, as indicated by their performance on a story comprehension task. The program aims: 1) to increase knowledge of text structure in fictional stories; and 2) to apply this knowledge to re/telling fictional stories. The program is designed to be implemented by a speech-language therapist (SLT) in 2 one-hour sessions per week, over a 6-week period.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Focused stimulation

    Focused stimulation is a technique used to draw a child’s attention to specific aspects of grammar or vocabulary. The idea is to target a particular word, phrase, or grammatical form, and to use it repeatedly while interacting with the child.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate

  • Hanen It Takes Two To Talk

    The It Takes Two to Talk Program is designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay. In a small, personalised group setting, parents learn practical strategies to help their children learn language naturally throughout their day together.

    Evidence Rating: Moderate